Never before has it been possible to own a luxury villa or apartment in a Design Resort like X2. Offered with full rental management, and a multiple location exchange program; X2 Resorts & Residences offers a stylish vacation villa residence and lifestyle unlike anything else in the world.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Permits, plans and drawings all finalised for show units to be built at X2 Kui Buri

Of course being that we have an already completed resort alongside the residences land site we can show would-be owners the home of their choice in most cases by using the resort property alongside. However, it is our intention to create two show units for the Loft Villa style of residence at X2 Kui Buri, with construction starting last quarter of this year.

There are already 23 villas to see at the existing X2 resort, some of them very similar to the new homes we will build in 2011/12. Anyone who wishes to see a 2 bedroom duplex home or indeed a Suite Pool Villa can be accommodated as we have one of each already complete and being used as resort homes.

But due to huge success in sales and the popularity of the Loft Villa design we have decided to press on and make two of these unique designer homes now. Likely they will all have sold by the time they are completed, so if you would like us to make you one, why not come along to X2 Resorts at Kui Buri for stay as our VIP guest and test out how unique and stunning our resorts are.

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